In order to be a Substitute Teacher for schools within the Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education #9, you need to hold a valid Professional Educator License (PEL), Substitute Teacher License (SUB), or Short Term Substitute License (STS).

Educators who have a current Professional Educator License (PEL), do not need a Substitute Teacher License.


Information on the Substitute License, Paraprofessional License and Short Term Substitute License can be found here on the ISBE website

*must hold at least a bachelor's degree

A Substitute Teaching License (SUB) may be issued to anyone who holds bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. They are valid for substitute teaching in all grades of the public schools, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Substitute Teaching Licenses are valid for 5 years. They can be renewed. There is no limit on the number of days that a person who holds a Substitute Teaching License can teach in a single school district, provided that no substitute teacher may teach for more than 90 school days for any one licensed teacher under contract in the same school year.

A teacher who holds a Professional Educator License (PEL), may substitute teach for up to 120 school days for any one licensed teacher under contract in the same school year.


Individuals who hold a Professional Educator License (PEL), or an Educator License with Stipulations and a bachelor’s degree (ie. Paraprofessional or Career and Tech Ed) can Substitute Teach on their current and valid license that is registered in Region 9. Please refer to the information on obtaining a Substitute Authorization Packet.

Steps to Get a Substitute Teaching License

Download a Substitute and Paraprofessional License Checklist here.

  1. Individuals applying for a Substitute Teaching License must use ELIS on the Illinois State Board of Education website, At the top of the page, click on Log Into ELIS. In the Educator Access box, click on “Log in to your ELIS account”. On the next page, on the left-hand side, click on “Click Here For First Time Access To The ELIS System”. 

  2. On your Homepage, under your Action Center box, click on “Apply for a Credential." Then click on Substitute License (SUB). Continue the wizard. You will pay a $50 application fee, plus a service fee with a credit or debit card. *If you need help, please refer to the video How To Apply for a Substitute License

  3. Official, sealed transcripts  from a regionally accredited institution of higher education may be mailed to the ROE at 3358 Big Pine Trail, Champaign, IL 61822, or the university may e-mail transcripts to Jenn Diercks - *Educators with degrees from outside of the United States will need to submit an official Foreign Credential Evaluation. If the name on your transcripts is different from the name on your ELIS account, ISBE will need you to submit the Licensure Update Request Form along with documentation of the name change. This form and documentation can be emailed to Jenn Diercks to be added to your ELIS account. *Note: Official transcripts must be sent directly from the institution.  If sent by educator, official transcripts must be in the sealed (unopened) envelope from the institution addressed to the educator.

  4. Once your Substitute License has been issued, you will need to log back in to your ELIS account to register your license. Registration is $10 per year.  The fee to register will be $50/$60, plus a service fee and your license will be registered for the remainder of the current fiscal year, plus 5 full fiscal years. Register in Region 09 Champaign-Ford.

Click Here to start the Substitute Authorization process

Substitute License Fee Refund Request Form

Please find the 73-02 Substitute License Fee Refund Request Form here on the ISBE website. It is under the tab for General Licensure Forms. Please follow the instructions on the form.